Jane Stevens Therapy
My background has been within education as a teacher and headteacher. My personal approach when working with pupils, staff and parents was a balance of mutual respect, a listening ear, encouragement and compassion. These beliefs go a long way to building successful teams, working establishments, families and individuals. These values are mirrored within my therapy practice.
My own journey also brings experience as a parent, step-parent and also an adoptive mother. This has given me further insight and empathy into the lives of individuals as well as the complexities of family life. I support several family charities as a 'listening ear'.
My fascination with counselling began 15 years ago when I explored the power of active listening and communication skills. I am passionate about the power of 'talking therapy'. I have experience to support clients with anxiety, depression, ADHD, ASD, trauma and those wishing to change negative habits. All personal and relational challenges can be supported through therapy.
B.Ed : Cert PDE
Relational Counsellor - Level 6
Certificate in Counselling Skills
.b Mindfulness Teacher
Transactional Analysis 101
Advanced Diploma in Integrative Therapy (ongoing)
Certificate in Telephone and Online Counselling
Member (Trainee) UKCP - UK Council of Psychotherapists
Member (Trainee) WPI – Welsh Psychotherapy Institute
Enhanced DBS